Orastie – Sibiu highway design and execution – Lot 4
Bucharest – Pitesti highway rehabilitation, km 23 + 46
A3 highway execution – the Bucharest – Ploiesti section, km 19 + 500- km 62 + 000
4-lane extension – Bucharest South beltway between A2 (km 23 + 600) and A1 (km55 + 520)
DN 6 rehabilitation -Alexandria-Craiova-Lot 2
4 years maintenance and administration of streets, packages 2 and 5
Road system and public works rehabilitation – package 2
Pache 46 Street- “Humulesti Street, Freamat Street ” rehabilitation
Modernization of Piata Romana and the Pedestrian Passageway
Road system and tram line on Liviu Rebreanu Blvd. rehabilitation
Execution and technical project related to the investment objective
Penetration and connection of Spaliul Independentei-Ciurel-Bucuresti-Pitesti Motorway
Construction, foundation and roadworks for sector 4
Repair works for DN 6 Magurele Beltway
Repair works for DN 10 Sibiu
Bituminous treatment on DN 7C, DN2, SDN Pitesti
Asphalt coats type BAD 25 and MASF 16 on DN2, KM 7 + 848-km 11 + 100
Modernization of the tram line on the Manastur-Piata Garii-Muncii Blvd. sections
Modernization and rehabilitation of Calea Calarasilor Street in Braila
County on the section between Dorobantilor Blvd. and Independentei Blvd.
Modernization of DJ 7031: Musatesti (DN 73C-Bradulet-Bradetu-Poienile Valsanului) to improve and develop the tourism infrastructure, km 28 + 822-53 + 600.
Rehabilitation of the Liviu Rebreanu tramway line
Rehabilitation of the Oltenitei Road tramway line
Rehabilitation of the Tunari Street tramway line
Rehabilitation of the Buzesti Berzei Uranus tramway line
Rehabilitation of the Frontiera-Curtici-Simeria railway line, part of the Pan European Corridor IV (Section 1: Border – Curtici – Arad- km 614)