Installations and Facilities - Euroconstruct Trading ‘98
Installations and Facilities – Euroconstruct Trading ‘98
Due to the company’s development policy, we have a large number of state-of-the-art equipment and installations, which perform a wide range of environmental works at a national level.
The area storing facility for temporary storage, treatment of hazardous waste by mechanical, chemical and biological methods, according to the Integrated Environmental Permit no. 117 NV6 of 18.10.2010:
- is operational since 2009 and has a storage capacity of 200,000 t;
- storage of waste can be done in bulk or packaged;
- it has concrete platforms equipped with gutters to deal with the leachate;
- platforms are used for:
- waste reception;
- waste isolation;
- placement of waste treatment installations;
- waste storage prior to treatment;
- treated waste storag
The warehouse has the following waste treatment facilities:

The contaminated soil sorting station TEREX FINLAY 683 SUPER TRACK – Integrated Environmental Permit No. 117 NV6 from 18.10.2010.
The processing capacity of the mobile waste sorting station is 40-80 t / h; The Terex Finlay 683 SUPER TRACK mobile sorting station was used for sifting (dimensional separation) the solid waste mixed with inert materials (gravel, slag) or the waste resulting from construction or demolition in order to reclaim them.
Through sorting waste is conditioned for subsequent treatment in installations or disposal by incineration, co-incineration, final disposal.
DOPPSTADT coarse fraction sorting station. Integrated Environmental Permit no. 117 NV6 of 18.10.2010.
This station is used to treat the contaminated coarse fraction. The coarse fraction is fed into the feed hopper and from the feed hopper the material arrives through the conveyor belt into a closed drum with grooves. When entering the drum, the material passes under a pressurized water jet where, the contaminated coarse fraction mixture and the water undergo mixing operations by rotating the drum. The last segment of the drum has a perforated section where the already washed material is subjected to a final wash under the pressure jet, and after passing through this area the separation of the potentially clean material from the water-mud-contaminant mixture takes place. The potentially clean material (coarse fraction) is collected on the output conveyor belt and stored. During the wash, a polymer can be added (depending on the degree of contamination), which helps to decontaminate this fraction.
The washing process is applied as often as necessary until the contaminated coarse fraction falls within the parameters required by the legislation in effect, for it to be used as a filler material in less sensitive areas.
Depending on the granulometry of the processed material the station’s productivity is between 25-35 t / h.
SVEDALA installation for washing contaminated soils. Environmental permit no. 326 from 22.07.2008, revised on 10.09.2012
The contaminated soil treatment installation was specifically designed to remove pollutants such as oils, hydrocarbons and plant protection products.
The facility has a decontamination capacity of 30 tons of contaminated soils per hour.
As a result of the treatment operations, the output consists of batches with a humidity of 10-15% and a sludge containing the contaminants from the materials introduced into the installation with a moisture content of 50%.
Depending on the concentration of the pollutants, the resulting batches can be:
- retreated with the installation;
- reclaimed for construction works in less sensitive areas, provided they comply with the requirements of legislation in effect;
The sludge resulting from treatment operations, depending on the concentration of pollutants, is treated as follows:
- bioremediation – followed by recovery, in compliance with the regulations in effect;
- disposal – by incineration / co-incineration by authorized companies.
The operating principle of the facility is to trap contaminants in a high stream of diluted aqueous solutions containing cleaning, foaming, pH correction and emulsification agents.
The mixture of contaminated soil and water is subjected to successive operations of mixing, sorting, treatment and flotation in order to separate the contaminants.
In the final stages of the process, the soil and the decontaminated mineral aggregates, as well as the sludge containing the contaminants, are dehydrated with sieve sorting machinery, i.e. a double rotating sieve, from which over 90% of the water is recirculated.
The installation is made-up of modules, being compact and designed to be transported in areas where the waste treatment operations are carried out.

Waste water treatment plant (leachate) Korte
The plant is used to treat contaminated water. There are two products which leave the treatment plant, treated waste water and compacted sludge which will be sent for storage or incineration.
The main activities carried out within the industrial waste water treatment process are the following:
- wastewater extraction;
- wastewater conditioning;
- separation of liquid phase components by flotation;
- wastewater filtering;
- dehydration of the sludge in the press filter;
- compliant storage of the resulting water and sludge.
The mobile railroad installation for washing the solid material from the railway embankments from the tracks; The installation is equipped with a washing installation and a wastewater decontamination station. Environmental permit no. 326 from 22.07.2008, revised on 10.09.2012
The mobile installation for treatment of crushed stone from the contaminated railway was designed especially for the elimination of pollutants such as oils and hydrocarbons.
The treatment operations result in:
- crushed stone with a humidity of 10-15% to be laid on the railway;
- coarse sludge containing contaminants resulting from washing the stone within the installations;
- a fine sludge resulting from wastewater treatment.
Depending on the concentration of the pollutants, the resulting sludge can be:
- treated by bioremediation followed by recovery, in compliance with the requirements of the legislation in effect;
- used for construction works in less sensitive areas, provided that the requirements of the legislation in effect are respected;
- eliminated by: incineration, co-incineration or final storage by authorized companies.
The operating principle of the plant is to trap contaminants in a high stream of diluted aqueous solutions containing cleaning, foaming, pH correction and emulsification agents.
The mixture of contaminated soil and water is subjected to successive mixing, sorting and treatment operations for the separation of contaminants.
The installation is mounted on a train cart platform, being compact and designed to be transported in the areas where the stone work is done.
TEREX FINLAY 694 HIDRASCREEN Mobile sorting unit Environmental permit no. 40 of 22.07.2013 revised March 19, 2015, revised on January 28, 2016, revised June 16, 2017
The Terex Finlay 694 HIDRASCREEN mobile sorting unit was used for solid waste mixed with inert materials (gravel, slag) or those resulting from construction or demolition in order to reclaim them.
The processing capacity of the mobile waste sorting facility is 100 m3 / h;
Thorough sorting waste is conditioned for subsequent treatment in installations or disposal by incineration, co-incineration, final storage.
Backhus mobile bioremediation waste treatment installation
The Bachus mobile bioremediation waste treatment installation is used to treat wastes contaminated with organochlorine pesticides or petroleum products.
The processing capacity of the installation is 2000 t / h
Following the bioremediation process, soil wastes will be used as road filler material or grading in less sensitive areas.
Transport of dangerous goods and wastes Environmental permit no. 40 of 22.07.2013 revised on March 19, 2015, revised on January 28, 2016, revised on 16.06.2017,
The hazardous and non-hazardous waste transport activity is carried out with an integrated management system, certified according to SR EN ISO 9001, SR EN ISO 14001 and SR OHSAS 18001.
Our company owns the license for public road transport of dangerous goods and waste, as well as means of transport and drivers specializing in the transport of hazardous waste.
Waste transport is carried out with our own vehicles, according to the provisions of H.G. no. 1061/2008 on the transport of hazardous and non-hazardous waste on the territory of Romania.
Vehicles consisting of a tractor unit and semi-trailer covered with a tarpaulin, as well as those type (8 × 4), are authorized for transportation of packaged hazardous and non-hazardous waste (in parcels). Vehicles with a mobile bucket are also authorized for bulk transportation.
The company’s fleet is made up of vehicles with different capacities (1.5 tons, 3.5 tons, > 7.5 tons). The choice of the type of vehicle that is sent to fulfil a collection and transport request is done by the column chief, depending on the amount of waste to be collected and the tonnage restrictions (if any) on the road portion that the vehicle needs to traverse.
The transport routes are set as follows:
- When transporting hazardous waste, routes are set by the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations of the county in which the waste holder is located and are entered into the form authorizing the shipment of hazardous waste (Annex 1 to H.G. 1061/2008). There is a main and a secondary (bypassing) route;
- When transporting non-hazardous waste the route is determined internally by the column chief, under the movement and tonnage restrictions existing on public roads.